that look you give that guy
i never thought that i could be so bold
to even say these thoughts aloud
i see you with your man
your eyes just shine
while he stands tall
and walking proud
that look you give that guy
i wanna see
looking right at me
if i could be that guy
instead of me
i'd never let you down
it always seems like you're going somewhere
better than you've been before
while i go to sleep and i dream all night
of you knocking at my door
that look you give that guy
i wanna see
looking right at me
if i could be that guy
instead of me
i'd be all i can be
i'm nothing like what i'd like to be
i'm nothing much i know it's true
i lack the style and the pedigree
and my chances are so few
that look you give that guy
i wanna see
looking right at me
if i could be that guy
instead of me
i'd give you all i got
i never thought that i could be so bold
to even say these thoughts aloud
but if, let's say, it won't work out
you know where i can be found
that look you give that guy
i wanna see
looking right at me
if i could be that guy
instead of me
i'd never let you down
copyright 2009 EELStheband.com